Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What's a Yoko Ono?

I spent Friday home with my two kiddos >>>
Sam is 5 1/2 and Graeme just turned 4 Christmas Eve.
Yay - chicken fingers and fries!
Yay - I'm not at the office!
The Barenaked Ladies Greatest Hits CD is our lunch music. As I start cleaning up the table, Sam suddenly asks "What's a Yoko Ono?". The song was "Be My Yoko Ono". A great question, but where to begin? How much will a kindergarten guy understand?
"Ummmm....Yoko Ono was a person, not a thing. I mean, she's still a person....I think she's still alive. Anyway, to explain who Yoko Ono is you first have to know about The Beatles....".
So, with a few Youtube videos and some googling for pictures, I proceed to recount the story of John and Yoko. I tell him that all this happened around 40 years ago - before I was even born!
As we talk and check things out, Sam interjects here and there with other questions of great seriousness...
- On The Beatles and the fact that he knows several of their songs (Twist and Shout, Yellow Submarine....) - "Can we go see them at a concert?"
- When I'm explaining that the Beatles were one of the most popular bands in the world, wrote a lot of songs and made a lot of records - "What's a record?". Hmmmm....more google images.

Meanwhile, Graeme's four year old attention span requires him to wander away from our conversation and he's happily playing with his Star Wars guys in the corner.

I love this age. I love introducing the kids to old, classic songs and movies. In a few years, these things won't be cool anymore...It'll just be 'that old-people stuff that mom and dad like' - definitely not cool. Eventually they'll stop asking so many questions, because, by then, they'll know everything - right? In the meantime, they're like little sponges...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Place for my STUFF>>>

So, I don't reeeally want to be a 'blogger' per se. I do, however want a place to put all my 'stuff'. A place to dump funny stories about my two kiddos or vent about a bad day (or a bad hair day!) or put a picture or quote that I love. These things are homeless right now. I need a place where I can just throw 'stuff' on the screen, say "Done" and walk away.

When I was pregnant with my first, I vowed I would keep notes about all the cute things they said and did.....and well, it's almost 6 years later, and look at me go! Wow, I'm really picking up speed now. Not sure how to make up for years of memories that went unrecorded (is that even a word?) - but here goes. It's for me mostly, but also for my kids who might one day read through this 'stuff' and hopefully have a laugh or two....Or just shake their heads quietly and think, "Man, mom really is nuts!"

I should explain the Blog title "Happy Wubby Day" - it's the new phrase of the week/month around this house. I think it originated after watching a Sesame Street clip staring Grover - "Wubba Wubba Wubba". The kids wanted to watch it over and over - as kids tend to do. The chorus goes like this:

Wubba wubba wubba wubba
Woo woo woo
Wubba wubba wubba
And a doodly-do
He sang wubba wubba wubba
So I sang it too
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you!
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you!

How can you not love that?

Anyhoo - somehow this morphed into the greeting "Happy Wubby Day" and the current inside joke around here. People not in on the joke look confused and unsure of how to respond, but that just makes it even more funny! Especially when you're a pair of boys who are 4 and (almost) 6. It can mean anything you want it too....But, interestingly enough, there is a real word "wubby" out there in the world. Who knew? Learning new things daily.

- A soft fuzzy blanket like the middle ones in hotel beds.
- A blanket
- An extremely adorable animal, especially a dog.